Thursday, September 15, 2016

Penampang University

Di Poguhu
Kivaa susuzan Kadazan ii kasaasangih tinau sondii. Au nimaan umohigai do tuhun Kadazan - tou nunu haid ngaan do tuhun Kadazan di tahaid no kozo poguhu Brunei - o boos dioho ii pinataak do Minamangun. Nopuhas ii tu au noko-ium taka ingkuo do au agazad om sabap no do nagazad ii do nopuhas om natagak dii ii boos.

Komozon nopo diti nga kivaa haid do suat 'alfabet' do Kadazan nga natagak iti. Oniinih toi aiso katapatan diti. Au po noikot timpu do tinau diti do nokoponguug do suat 'alfabet' sondii. Mantad diho aiso susuzan Tinau Kadazan di poguhu ii nokosuat gisom no do nokoikot tuhun topuak om nokotimpuun kopongia-an id sikul.

Susuzan tokuudi ii noihaan do baino nokotungkus maza boos kabang. Nga sabap no do aiso haid nokopomusoou do monimung susuzan ngaavi ii noihaan tuhun Kadazan tongotuutuo do nohiivan ii. Kogumuan dioho do aino nodii do baino. Susuzan tuhun Kadazan nakatanud do tuminagak. Kadazan ii koiho nodii monuat au nokosivat do pinoposuat dii sabap no do suvai ii nakagazat do ginavo. Mantad diho do kivaa tinau suvai ii kasaasangih do Kadazan om moboos do aiso tanda ii kaanu poposoto do ahaid no Kadazan do poingizon do id pogun diti.

Nokobuu nodii kogumuan do pomogunan. Kinoizonon ngaavi id Pogun Sabah nga nokobuu. Ogumu nodii sikul. Agazo hoogo so kivaa toihaan. Doiti doiho do kivaa universiti. Kivaa do UMS, kivaa do UiTM, kivaa do TAR University, kivaa do Unitar University, kivaa University College Sabah Foundation, kivaa baagizan pipio universiti mantad dahabus pogun.

Ogumu tuhun mogiigizon id Penampang. Di toun 2010, kiginumu do121,934 tuhun poingizon id Penampang. Mogisuvai-suvai tinau (bangsa) do pointindooi id uvang Penampang.

Koontok do kivaa do Penampang University mooi do kogonop tikoon university montok uvang Penampang om kinoizonon tootoning miaga do Tambunan, Keningau, Ranau, Papar, Inanam om Putatan. Nung piomungon ginumu tuhun poingizon id kinoizonon ngaavi diti (2010) nga miaga dihia id siibo:
Penampang: 121,394 (kaamung Putatan)
Tambunan: 35,667
Keningau: 200,985
Ranau: 94,092
Papar: 124,420
(Putatan: 54,733)
(Kota Kinabalu: 207,214 (kaamung Inanam?)
Saviavi: 576,556(au kaampai Kota Kinabalu)

Mogiigizon ponong Tambunan, Ranau, Keningau om Papar kavaza do Penampang. Hobi do ouhan zioho do pakaazan id Penampang songian opongo ii Pan-Borneo Highway ii kakaa nogi doid Tambunan, Ranau om Keningau. Poinsumpak o Penampang id taatangah do kinoizonon ngaavi diti. Dadi koontok kozo do kivaa university do doiti. Aiso sabap nokuo tuh aiso university id kinoizonon ii ogumu tuhun Kadazan-Dusun. University diti nga montok tinau (bangsa) suvai ponogi.

Sikul takavas ngaavi id uvang nokomoi:
  1. SM St. Michael, Penampang
  2. SMK Bahang, Penampang
  3. SMK Limbanak, Penampang
  4. SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin, Penampang
  5. SMK Tansau, Penampang
  6. SMK Putatan
  7. SM St. Joseph, Papar
  8. SMK Kinarut, Papar
  9. SM St. Mary, Papar
  10. SMK Benoni, Papar
  11. SMK Majakir, Papar
  12. SMK Takis, Papar
  13. SMK Nambayan, Tambunan
  14. SMK Sook, Keningau
  15. SMK St. Martin, Tambunan
  16. SMK Tambunan, Tambunan
  17. SMK Mat Salleh, Pekan Ranau
  18. SMK Ranau, Kilimu
  19. SMK Bundu Tuhan, Bundu Tuhan
  20. SMK Kundasang, Kundasang
  21. SMK Matupang Jaya, Matupang
  22. SMK Timbua, Timbua
  23. SMK Lohan, Lohan Ulu
  24. SMK Ulu Sugut, Kaingaran
  25. SMK Komburongoh, Komburongoh
  26.  SM St. Francis Xavier, Keningau
  27. SMK Apin Apin, Keningau
  28. SMK Batu Longoyan, Tulid, Keningau
  29. SMK Bingkor, Keningau
  30. SMK Gunsanad, Keningau
  31. SMK Gunsanad II, Keningau
  32. SMK Keningau
  33. SMK Keningau II
  34. SMK Kemabong, Tenom
Mositi nopo do mimang gumu sikul takavas id kinoizonon ngaavi diti. Komozon do kivaa no tanak sikul ii pihion do sumuang do University Penampang.

Kumaa di kivaa ningkokoton id komuniti toi kopolintaan toi sikul takavas, kolej toi universiti, maai no pomusaavai iti montok do kobuu-on tiinu to tuhun mogisuvai tinau id uvang ngaavi diti.

Songian do ogumu tuhun kivaa kapaasan universiti hobi kobuu Pogun Sabah. Kaanu nogi iti monokodung do tanak susumikul kinoizonon sondii sabap no do okuukudi balanja. Au tagal moi balajal id dahabus Sabah. (Nga' nung kivaa kosivatan moi pokiinobos id soboong daat, avasi nogi do kougad.) Pomusaavan mohoing nga au di kozo ountingau.

Aiso hasa do ogumu univositi. Kanou pomusaavai taahom-ahom ahal agazo-guno diti.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Preserve The Good Name of PENAMPANG

Penampang is a unique place with a unique people. It is meant to be like that. But once future generations of Penampangites fail to grasp what it means to be true sons and daughters of Penampang, then maybe time has started to change for Penampang and its people.

Even if people of other racial background had come and made Penampang their home, it does not mean Penampang ceases to be what it is UNLESS the original inhabitants allow it to be so. It will not be easy  to rehabilitate Penampang once undesirable changes had become permanent and made the place unrecognisable.

Everyone can play a role, the young and the not so young, children, families, and every household. They have specific roles to play which no one else can carry out.

Natural Characteristics of Penampang

Land Use
A large part of Penampang is hilly, particularly the area toward Tambunan. Some of the land that are nearer to the road are planted with rubber. Vegetables gardens are found at cooler places particularly at Togudon and Moyog. However, large parcels of hilly land still remain undeveloped.

The lowland is fertile due to the perennial flooding of the Moyog River. Wet rice farming was a major activity of the people of Penampang but has practically disappeared except for the small area at Kodundungan and a few fields at Tua-ui (Terawi). Many landowners have built residential houses on their former rice fields. Shop houses and housing estates had sprung up at a number of places, particularly near newly-built highways and roads.

Some landowners have rented out their land to Indonesians, mainly Toraja and Timorese for planting vegetables. Chinese businessmen had bought almost all of the land near the highways. More people are expected to sell their land in the coming years.

Many areas in Penampang had become inundated by irresponsible hill-cutting activities, polluting rivers and streams and causing irrepairable damage to the ecosystem. Such activities had seriously damaged the countryside and impacted on the aesthetic beauty of the countryside.

Cultural Characteristics of Penampang

Most of the people living in Penampang are Kadazans. The older folks are very fluent in the Kadazan Language. They can also speak good English and Malay. Most of the younger generation of Kadazans cannot speak Kadazan  although they can understand a little bit. They speak Malay, instead. Very few are good in the English language. A good number of Kadazan children in primary schools speak and understand Kadazan. If the trend continues then the Kadazan Language is assured of continuity.

There is a substantial number of Chinese living in Penampang. Many of them had inter-married with the Kadazans. The older folks speak Chinese and Kadazan while the younger generation speaks Chinese, Malay and perhaps English. The majority are concentrated in the town areas such as Donggongon, Penampang New Township, Bundusan and Kepayan.

A growing number of Muslims are making Penampang their home. They speak Malay.

Many Filipinos live at Penampang. They work in construction, transportation or sell fresh fish, grilled fish and meat. They speak in their own language. It is understood that quite a number of them are Tausugs and Suluks.

Many Bugis are hawkers, selling cakes, clothing and other items. They control about 90 per cent of the hawking business at Donggongon.

A a number of Pakistanis and Tamil Muslim had opened shops or tuck shops at Penampang. And they communicate with each other in their own language.

The majority of Kadazans are Christians, most of them Catholics. The Chinese majority are Buddhists or Thai Pak Kung practioners. The Malays, Bugis, Pakistanis and most Filipinos are Muslims. Some of the Filipinos staying at Penampang are Christians.

A number of the people at Penampang still practices animistic belief.

Where People Live
The majority of Kadazans live in their own respective house built on their own land or reserved land in villages around Penampang. A fair number of Kadazans live in housing estates or apartments built within the district. Some squat on government land or road or riverine reserves.

The Chinese live in urban areas around Donggongon Town, the New Penampang Township, in housing estates around Penampang or in their own mansion.

People of other races live in their own house, in housing estates or rent houses in villages.

How People Move Around
People who do not have their own personal transport use public transport. Buses operated by Filipinos and Bugis ply between Donggongon and Kota Kinabalu. Limited taxi service operated by Chinese is available at Donggongon. Unlicensed 'taxi' operators offer transportation charging fairly high fees are operated mainly by Kadazans.

How Money Is Exchanged
A number of banks make available services for monetary transactions. Branches of the Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad, Public Bank Berhad, Maybank Berhad, Bank Simpanan Nasional Berhad, Agro Bank Berhad are found at Donggongon and other places within Penampang.

Government Offices
Government offices can be found near Donggongon Town. These include the Penampang District Office, the District Council Office, Post Malaysia, District Police Station, and Fire and Rescue Station.

The National Registration Department as well as the Health Department have opened branches at Donggongon .

Maintaining the Characteristics of Penampang

The following could be ways (there could be others) whereby the characteristics of Penampang will remain intact. Therefrom, Penampang can then concentrate on becoming a leader in selected fields of human endeavour.

1. Be Proud to be a Penampangite. To be born in Penampang is a privilege as well as a responsibility. Anyone who is worthy to be called a Penampangite has to uphold the good name of Penampang.

It seems that Kadazan-Dusun leaders prefer to conduct their business and activities, centred at Penampang. After all, Penampang, at the present moment, is not a congested place. It is easier to move around Penampang when compared to Kota Kinabalu (Tompinak Nabahu, to me). Penampang has the potential to develop into a beautiful urban area.

Who else can ensure that Penampang retains its uniqueness and develop it into a successful semi-urban area but the people of Penampang themselves? Who are better-placed to know what is best for Penampang but the Penampang people themselves?

As a Penampangite, one must be able to think independently and not easily swayed one way or another before making informed decision for the good of the people and the land. This is one way the people can preserve the good name of Penampang.

2. Remember and Value the Sacrifices by Past Leaders. Leaders come and go. They may come from different political background, belief or ideology. Appreciate whatever good any one of them had done for Penampang. Give credit where it is due.

Penampang and its institutions had produced many fine leaders, contributing their talents in politics, the public or the private sector. May Penampang people be ever ready to be formed as individuals grounded upon the truth and honesty and a strong belief in God.

3. Be Honest and Speak the Truth. Being honest and truthful always is another way people can enhance the good reputation of Penampang. Penampangites should never waver in the fight against injustice and against every attempt to make them a subject people.

4. Strive to be the Best in What You Do. Penampangites need to strive to be the best in everything that they do, be it be at school or college, at work, in sports or business, or personal life. They need to strive for excellence. But excellence can never be the friend of idleness or laziness. To excel one must always try to reach the next level.

5. Be Inclusive. Don't adopt an attitude of elitism or aloofness. Don't exclude people just because they are less successful than we are. Value people for what they are. Give credit where it is due. Do not judge a person by his looks, his status or station in life.

6. "The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts (Aristotle)." According to one explanation, this phrase means the following:

"Organizational pundits maintain that this principle describes the synergy, which exists between individuals working together in a cooperative effort. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Jan;25"

Penampangites need to be generous in sharing knowledge, skills, experience and feelings as they work together to attain common goals for the good of Penampang and its people for the long term.

7. Be True to the One True God. Penampang had been a stronghold of Christianity. True believers need to make it their personal responsibility that this remains so for all times. This faith is symbolised by the Cross erected at the top of Tivung, the first Cross having been erected in 1893.

Calling every inhabitant of Penampang to be a true son or daughter of Penampang.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Putaton ko' Putatan?

Ngaan do Putatan om Putaton miipiaga. Kivaa naku do pionitan diti? Toombo tiso ii kotunud?

Putatan nopo nga kinoizonon id somok do tahungan Bavang Putatan. Putaton nopo nga iso mantad di kampung ngaavi id Uvang Inobong ii avazaan do Bavang Moyog.

Saazo do Bavang Putatan o Bavang Moyog. Ii om ii bavang dii. Tumimpuun o Bavang Moyog mantad Paod Nuhu do Krokor (Crocker Mountain Range) om humuzung maza do kakampungan do Moyog, Pogunon, Inobong, Tanaki, Nampasan, Penampang Kozo, Dambai, Babah-Bunduon, Mahandoi-Kandazon om gisom no doid Tulangis. Mantad doiho, pungaanan nodii dati ii do Bavang Putatan gisom no doid daat do Meruntum.

Ontok di koikot o tuhun magagampa Bolitis, notimpuunan do mananom do gata di ponounan 1890dan. Novit do Bolitis tuhun Sina do kumalaja id kabun gata. Mantad no dii do kivaa Sina minonoodo do kadai toniini id Putatan. Kazu pinonoodo dii.

Pinungaanan do Bolitis o kinoizonon dii do Putatan sabap do ogumu kazu pungaanan do "putat" poinsuni do doiho ontok timpu dii. Pungaanai no kinoizonon dii to Putat town. Maid-haid, nadadi o Putat town do Putatan. Otopot nopo nga' Putaton daa ii kotunud. Nga huu saazo do bavang o Putaton.

Ingkaa no do nopungaanan Putatan do 'Putatan.'

Dadi, ingkuo ngaan do 'Putaton'? Kivaa nangku do Sina mantad Putatan  nokoizon id kinoizonon dii om pungaanai no dau do Putaton ii? Nakasavo naku o Sina dino do tuhun do Inobong?

Kivaa susuzan do nokoikot o tuhun Sina id Inobong. Iso nopo kinoizonon do kivaa Sina mogiigizon nga id kinoizonon pungaanan do 'Pagansakan' do baino. Nung ingkaa, mositi nopo dati do mantad ngaan Putatan do notoodo o ngaan do 'Putaton.' Au dati kadavot o Sina do mangait do Putatan.

1. Aiso do Bavang Petagas ontok dii. Petagas nopo nga okonko Bavang molulu nga palit haid ii, tinoodi do tuuun mobubuvat Kodundungan mooi kohuzung. o vaig mantad donau ontok umasam. Kavavagu ii.

2. Maan ih potunudo susuzan diti songian kaanu kopoihaan di hobi kotunud.

3. Nimaan uangai om potunudo' susuzan diti di baino, tadau ko-4, vuhan ko-8, toun 2024. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Agazo Vaig Hizud nga' Osintukan Vaig

Mantad nombo hizud? Mantad lasam.

Mantad nombo o lasam?

Mantad tavan? Aiso do bavang toi daat do doiho.

Mantad daat om bavang? Daat om bavang id siibo do tavan.

Na, iso no sisimba dii. Mantad Minamangun ii.

Kohizud songian madasam do asapou om ahaid. Osusa nodii o tuhun om moboos, "Umaasam nopo!" ka. Nga songian do au umasam, moboos o tuhun do, "Songian dii ma do umasam?" ka. Songian do modizud, mongomu o tuhun om moboos, "Modizud nopo," ka.

Oukot o pomusaavan. Osusa do monontob kogiiginovoo do tuhun. Kivaa nopo poguangan!

Mimang gazo vaig do bavang om papas songian do umasam. Songian do au kouha ginazo di bavang toi papas, mimang havas ii vaig humabus. Dadi koizud nodii.

Ogumu Vaig nga Osintukan Vaig
Avasi do maasam-asam tu kivaa nopo do vaig gunoon do tuhun. Nung magadau, umasak o bavang, okoing ngaavi o tanom. Nga songian do madaat om humizud, ogumu nogi kaantakan.

Miaga po do daat songian do kohizud. Nga sabap no do azamut o vaig hizud, maan dii tutubo' o paip tagazo om potoodon pom vaig. Songian do aavi vaig ii tabaakas ii poingopi id tangki tagazo, aiso nodii vaig tavasi koikot doid hamin ngaavi do tuhun. Miaga kozo di susuzan kokomoi tuhun di au koinsud o kapal vaig id tanga daat tu' noumbak hazag do kapal dau. Songian di noovian do vaig, minoboos isido, "Vaig nopo doid nombo nopo nga aiso sontitik vaig do inumon," ka.

Ingkaa no songian do oumbak o paip toi tutubon do upis vaig o paip sabap do azamut. Ohodong nodii ngaavi o tuhun.

Oubat Vaig Asam
Kiguno vaig asam songian do aiso vaig. Nung koponimung vaig asam, au dii tagal momoguno vaig paip do pimpoduan toi pomupu toi pomohiung. Okudi dii pambalai do bil vaig noubatan. Songian do aiso kapanaakan do vaig sabap do noumbak o paip toi azamut o vaig, miho gunoon ii vaig lasam di notimung.

Dadi, kiguno nogi ii vaig lasam. Koontok mogium lahan monimung vaig asam montok gunoon songian aiso vaig noubatan.

Sukung Bavang Kaiduan (Kaiduan Dam)
Kivaa atag do monoodo do Sukung Bavang Kaiduan (Kaiduan Dam) montok no do gunoon do mogiigizon ngaavi ponong kotonobon kaampai no Kota Kinabalu. Kivaa timpu do mikot do au kouha ii vaig id Sukung Babagon, ka. Maan haid potoundao kapanaakan vaig montok tiinu, ka.

Tuhun mamasok ponong id sokid do Penampang au kaakun do maan tuidongo ii Sukung Kaiduan. Ovuzas kopooposizon za, ka dioho. Kivaa pipio kakampungan do otoob songian do otoodo o sukung dii kaampai no Buayan, Terian, Kionop, Kalanggaan, Kisada, Timpayasa, Longkogungan om suvai po kinoizonon. Atagak o poobuvatan do doiho. Atagak pomogunan do tuhun doiho.

Tou, ingkuo kodimpoton do ahal diti do tiinu. Nga otopot ih kozo do hobi ogumu o tuhun, hobi ogumu vaig do gunoon. Gisom songian ma do kouha toi kavangah o vaig mantad Babagon? Kivaa nangku lahan suvai kopogiuman do vaig?

Tumanud do koponoizukan, hobi-kuang do 46 piatus (46%) o vaig noubatan baino do atagak (atanggazang) do aiso gatang. Kahavas vaig sabap do noumbak paip tagazo toi paip kumaa 'metre'. Vaig dii maan panakao aiso balai om asaasau do maahavas nopo tu au ih balazan ii.

Mositi nopo do kivaa lahan monguhan toi manalasai do nuununu nopo ahal mooi do aiso di olugi' toi atagakan do ningkokoton do id kopooposizon.

Bavang Moyog muzu pakaazan id Putatan. Bavang mantad Kaiduan humuzung kumaa Papar.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

PENAMPANG: Glimpses of the Past

What is this place called "Penampang"? What was it called in the distant past? How did it look like long ago? Who were the first inhabitants of Penampang if they were not the people who live here today? How was the life of the people?

No one can be sure what was in Penampang a very long time ago. And there is no way it can be determined what it was called hundreds or thousands of years ago. We can guess that people in those days called this place 'sondot' because it was near the sea. 'sondot' is the place where people land when coming ashore or descend to from a higher ground or from a place which is a 'sokid'. 'sumondot' means to land. The interior areas are called 'sokid', referring to places which are very far from the sea coast.

The unfortunate result of this was that some of the people who lived in 'sondot' considered those living in the 'sokid' as somehow backward. This persisted until people became more rational in their thinking as the result of education. Now, many of the natives who live in the 'sokid' are highly educated. There is no reason for people who live in 'sondot' to continue thinking that they are much better. After all, it is believed that their ancestors came from the interior regions. It is said that native people migrated from the interior. Topin argued that these local migrations were from a particular place at the foothills of Mount Kinabalu. However, someone - I forgot who - counter-argued that excavations at that place did not unearth the presence of a big community of people.

Long ago, this place which will be named Penampang must have been covered with primary jungles while the lowlands were either marshes or overgrown with bushes and grass. The river, now called Moyog, was then at its young stage and was deep, used to overflow its banks and flood the plains. This made this land fertile for rice farming. And the buffaloes, numbering in the hundreds if not in the thousands, loved the water brought by the monsoon rain.

We can accept that there had been migrations but these must have been from various places in the interior, perhaps not far apart, to other places in North Borneo. We can also accept that there must have been waves of migrations over the years.

The story about Maragang could be a creative way of explaining these migrations. And even if a person called Maragang walked the land around Mount Kinabalu, and that his children and descendants had migrated to various places, it could have occurred over a long period, perhaps hundreds of years. On the other hand, the story could be true. The Kimaragang tribe of Kudat knows about Maragang and the name of at least two of his children, namely, Longguvai and Torumpak. Longguvai is Rongguvai and Torumpak may be Tomui, the youngest son of Maragang.

Ancient People of Penampang
People who inhabited this place in the past lived in longhouses for protection. They were hunters-gatherers. They were expert at making traps to catch fish and small animals. The rivers and streams of the lowlands and the forests offered them abundance of food.

They learned to make use of wooden materials to make longhouses. They looked up to chieftains who could lead them to victory against their enemies and offered protection while they went about their daily chores. How these men acquired great strength is open to the imagination. But it was not only the strong men who were looked up to as leaders. These people also depended on the help of priests and priestesses who seemed to know how to deal with the unknown realm of the spirits. They developed rituals and put together a list of taboos which bound the community closely together but also determined the direction of their way of life. 

Tribal Wars
By the 1800, the descendants of Maragang were found living in many parts of North Borneo. For example, the Subau clan controlled Tombovo while Gumbahon was under the leadership of the Bolukun clan. Both of these places are not far from present-day Putatan. The Gumbahon settlement was attacked by Bangkaakon tribe during the time of Bolukun. Gumbahon is found in present-day Duvanson or Papaason.

It is said that the Tangaah community in Sugud was one of the earliest native settlements at Penampang. It is said that Sugud and Papar had fought tribal wars. The Kadazan tribe lived at Papar. It is made clear in historical records that the tribal wars occurred before the British came and even continued for a while when the British colonialists were already in North Borneo.

Two other early native settlements were at present-day Pogunon and Kolopis. One Severinus Hinjiang was told by his mother that Pogunon and Kolopis fought against each other. As a child, he saw the remnant of the Pogunon fortress or tompinak in Kadazan. Other early native settlements were Tua-ui and Hungab. Mentri Babu of Tua-ui was appointed as an official by the Sultan of Brunei when the Penampang plains were under the Sultan's control. The people of Hungab and Bahang reputedly revolted and fought against the Brunei soldiers in protest against the rice tax imposed on the native population. Brunei never forgot about the rebellion and never appointed any official from these areas as representatives of the Sultan.

When officials of the British North Borneo Chartered Company (BNBC) arrived in North Borneo, they saw the people at war. They made sure that the wars and head-taking would stop otherwise they would not be free to carry out their commercial enterprise. Piracy had to be stamped out, too, for the same reason.

It is stated that North Borneo was under Brunei rule from 1485 to 1524. There was minimal control especially after the people revolted. The interior of North Borneo remained untouched by Brunei. Thereafter, Brunei decided to exercise control through appointed officials. These were selected from among the people who were responsible for collecting taxes on behalf of the Sultan. They received a percentage of the amount collected apart from receiving a monthly allowance. These officials became rich while majority of the people struggled to make a living.

Brunei continued to weaken with a steep decline in the seventeenth century. Nevertheless, when the American and later the British came, the only power in the region with whom they could negotiate was Brunei. Since Brunei pangirans were still in control of the river valleys, the British had to purchase these from Brunei. Brunei had become so weak that it became a British protectorate in the 1880s.

Eruption of Krakatoa
Krakatoa is mentioned in this blog about Penampang for a reason.

Krakatoa is a volcanic island in Indonesia. Its eruption in 1883 caused huge tsunamis as high as 120 feet killing more than 36,000 people. It is reported that the explosion was heard up to 3,000 miles away. Shock waves circled the earth thirteen times.

Dr. Freddy Mojiun told the writer that his mother said the tsunami caused by Krakatoa reached Penampang. They lived at Kolopis, Penampang some 10 kilometre away from the coast. Dr. Freddy's mother said that people at Kolopis were able to catch salt water fish using hand-held fishing nets ecalled 'sizud'. Most probably, her grandparents witnessed the tsunami.

This occurred around the time the British came to North Borneo for the first time. This shows clearly that native communities existed in Penampang before the 1883 Krakatoa eruption.

These were some of the earliest native communities at Penampang:
a) It is believed that the community at Sugud is the earliest native settlement in the area. It is stated that they are of the Tangaah tribe.

b) The husband and wife pair of Subau and Suntoi lived at Tombovo, not far from Putatan. They may have been born in the 1830s. Most of the people staying at Tombovo are descended from them.

c) Kituau of Limbanak, Gumbahon in present-day Duvanson (Papaason) and Pogunon were among the early native settlements at Penampang.

There must have been people living in Penampang much earlier. It is written that Brunei controlled the whole area since the 1480s. If there were no people staying there, there was no point for the Brunei Sultan to have any interest since there was not much gain to be made.

The Coming of the Chinese
When the Tambunan plains became over-populated, many of the people moved to other parts of North Borneo. A couple of years ago (circa 2014), Ignatius Buji told the writer that the people of Tuavon were the descendants of migrants from Sunsuron, Tambunan. He said his ancestors originated from there. As written somewhere else, the people at Sugud who were of the Tangaah tribe must also have come from Tambunan based on this theory. Tuavon sounds like 'tuhau', a herb used to make pickles.

Zheng He, a Chinese mariner, recorded that between the 10th and 15th century, there were many Chinese in Borneo. But which part of Borneo? Borneo is a large island.

The following are to be noted:
i) In 1882, the Chinese who were brought by the British to North Borneo were given a grant of land of 40,000 acres for planting tobacco;
ii) First decade of the 20th century (1900-1910): Chinese immigration to North Borneo increased. (Javanese were the other group of people recruited as workers in the plantations);
iii) The Chinese were brought in to North Borneo not only to work in tobacco and rubber plantations but to develop wet-rice farming.

The native population later made improvements to the farming implements introduced by the Chinese.

Penampang was one of the places where rubber plantations were started. Some of the Chinese migrants stayed on after the end of their contract and became shopkeepers. Many of them married native wives and prospered in the land where they worked formerly as 'coolies' (unskilled labour). The descendants of Chinese migrants at Penampang are numerous. Many of them are proud of their Chinese ancestry.

Can it be concluded that the majority of the people at Penampang were the descendants of two groups of migrants, one from the interior of North Borneo and the other from China?

There were later Chinese emigration between 1927 and 1949 after the nationalists lost to the communists. Some of them came to North Borneo. A number of them may have come to Penampang. If so, they would have some impact on the demography there. 

Rubber Plantations
The British colonialists did not have much to do with the natives of Penampang with the exception of rice farming. They were too busy with making a success of their business enterprises. These included rubber plantations. The Lokawi Estate (said to have been named after one "Cowie" who was the estate manager at one time) was one of the largest rubber plantations at that time.

Workers included natives who came from Tambunan and Papar.

These are some glimpses of the past history of Penampang.

~ to be continued ~

Some of what are mentioned here had been stated by others. The Krakatoa eruption, for example, was an event that placed the ancestors of the Kadazan at a certain place at a certain time.

Author: Pascalis Claudius Lotinggi
First created on: July 11, 2016
Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved
Modified: July 24, 2016

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Penampang: Neglected by British Colonialists

Some may inquire why I say that the British colonialists neglected Penampang. The word is "colonialist" and the word "British" identifies the colonising country. needs to be added because in days of old, there were a number of European nations who claimed distant lands as their colonies.

Wikipedia states that "a colony is a territory under the immediate political control of a state, distinct from the home territory of the sovereign."

North Borneo - today's Sabah - was under the control of a company subservient to the British Crown. This then made the British, through their agents, colonialists. The company which became a Chartered Company had the power to establish colonies.

The same mode of establishing colonies was adopted under King James I who, in 1606, granted a Virginia Company a charter to allow it to establish colonies in Virginia. Virginia is a state in present day United States of America. Wealthy men invested in this company. Apart from ripping the land of its riches, the colonial rulers made the native Indians pay annual tributes to them.

Another puts it this way: "... England planned to exploit (use) its colonies to become wealthy," (

Why did the British come to Southeast Asia?

Skwirk Online Education states: "In the 16th century, England was a poor country. When they began colonising, it was not as missionaries. When the English put to sea, it aimed to seek immediate profits.

"The Industrial Revolution which took place in Europe in 17th century gave rise to the need for raw materials. The British looked at Southeast Asia as a good target as they were rich in natural resources."

And thus, they came to North Borneo. The presence of these colonialists brought about some good to North Borneo. But what they did for the people was not adequate. This is not surprising because when they first came, they concluded that the land was uninhabited. Therefore, they could exploit the land for their own purposes.

Why did the British neglect Penampang?

Did the colonialists neglect Penampang for the mere reason that they had agreed with the Roman Church that this area would come under their sphere of influence. But that was in the area of religion.

Availability of education for the people of Penampang was among their many neglects or thoughtlessness on the part of the British. While they established schools on the west coast of North Borneo, there was none put up at Penampang. One can somehow say that they failed to do what was necessary to improve the standard of living of the native people of Penampang.

Since the British were looking for financial gains fast, there was nothing in Penampang that they could exploit. The lowlands were planted with rice. There was no gain in that. The primary jungles were somewhere else. There wasn't much at Penampang. And perhaps they somehow knew that Penampang was not rich in mineral deposits. It was not surprising then that they turned their attention someplace else.

It had been written (I forgot who but I think the writer was a white man) that the British tried to implement secondary school education but they had not much success. What were the reasons for the failure? Did they try hard enough? Were they afraid of displeasing their shareholders for not ensuring good returns for their investments?

This neglect by the British put the people at a disadvantage when North Borneo gained independence. Fortunately, the foresight of Mill Hill priests in establishing schools in Penampang including a secondary school at later date helped to lessen the negative impacts of lack of educational facilities in this part of North Borneo. St. Michael's Secondary School made all the difference at a time when poor illiterate rice farmers knew nothing of the future but rice farming.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Some may admire Penampang for what it is. Some may dislike, even hate, Penampang for what it stands for. Some may love Penampang for reasons best known to them.

When Penampang experienced a serious flood a few years ago, some people rejoiced, even stating that the flood was a punishment from the Almighty. This was a clear demonstration of hate. Could there be some truth in the rumour that there are certain elements who have the intention to undermine the people of Penampang?

Penampang people have a mind of their own. They demonstrated this a number of times when even Penampang-born leaders were rejected by its constituents in spite of the dire consequences. This could be a reason for some, if not many, people to dislike Penampang.

But why must anyone dislike or hate Penampang?
The people of Penampang have as much right as people in other places to think and act in their best interest. However, you may encounter one or two staying at Penampang, who are very unhappy with what is happening at Penampang. These people may have disappointing, even humiliating, encounters with certain people here, including leaders.

Many families owe some gratitude to Penampang. After St. Michael's School was built, many students from places as far away as Tambunan and Kuala Penyu came to study at Penampang. The children and the grand children of these former students of St. Michael's have much to be thankful for. They could be quite well off now. And this was made possible by their grandparents having studied at Penampang.

Also, Penampang had always been pioneers or at the forefront in various endeavours to improve the lot of the native people. It was from here that the forerunner of the Kadazan-Dusun Cultural Association was first initiated. UNKO was first established at Penampang. During the religious persecution in the past, the leadership to fight for justice was provided by leaders from Penampang particularly in the person of the Late Datuk Peter Mojuntin.

People continue to flock to Penampang because they can see the great potential of Penampang. It may even outshine Kota Kinabalu in the future. It is at the strategic place connecting Kota Kinabalu, Papar and the interior regions. This is not too far-fetched. The face of Penampang will definitely change with the completion of the Pan-Borneo Highway. There is a high probability that this will come to pass.

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Many may have their own vision of a future Penampang. Even people from outside the district may have their own idea of what they expect Penampang to become. Do you have your very own vision of Penampang?

Penampang as many knew it is no longer the Penampang of old. The rice fields are gone. Instead of producing their own food for household consumption, the people who are predominantly Kadazan, now buy foodstuff especially rice. Buffaloes were the farming "machine" in the past, pulling ploughs and harrows and carrying heavy loads. These beasts of burden are seldom seen except in a few villages. These buffaloes have become wild.

Attractions at Penampang in the Past

Rice Farming 
Being a rice farming community, Penampang attracted a lot of attention including foreign visitors in the past. The people were proud of being farmers. This was one of the driving forces that led to the beginning of the Kadazan Harvest Festival celebrations. The entire village would attend a harvest festival celebration in a Kadazan village where everyone would have a chance to dance the Sumazau and to sip 'hiing' the Kadazan rice wine. Sometimes a buffalo would be slaughtered for the occasion.

The rice fields had disappeared but the harvest festivals continue to be celebrated. This is despite what some say that celebrating the harvest festival is no longer very meaningful since the people here had ceased to be rice farmers. But others respond that there are rice farmers in other parts of Sabah, many of them natives.

Tamu or Badi
The tamu (or tomu) is a place where fresh local goods are sold. Tamu was, and still is, very popular among people of the various races who frequent tamu to get their supply of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, flowers and herbs. Badi is an alternative name for tamu. Badi means cannon. This name came about when someone who went berserk at a tamu at Tomposik, Inobong, was shot by someone from Tuavon using a shotgun. It was said that this man had slashed someone to death with a sword and was running about looking for more victims. (badi is cannon. To shoot is 'mamadi' but shotgun is sinapang).

Babagon River
The Babagon River is a tributary of the Moyog River which was a very popular place for picnickers. Even after a number of drownings there, the people kept coming. Now, it has lost its popularity after construction of the Babagon Dam. One may conclude that the dam caused the demise of the Babagon as a favourite picnic ground. In the past, even people from Kota Kinabalu (Jesselton) went there during week ends.

It can be seen that only the tamu continues to be an attraction at Penampang. The vast rice fields are no longer there. Babagon has ceased to be a crowd puller.

So what can Penampang offer to both locals and outsiders?


There is no shortage of historical landmarks at Penampang.

St. Michael's Catholic Church
The St. Michael's Church is one of the two stone churches in Sabah. Construction started before the Second World War but it was only completed in 1947.

It has been declared a heritage building, being of historical significance.

Tivung Cross
The first Tivung Cross was erected in 1893 by Fr. Duxneuner the Rector of St. Michael's Mission. No one owned that piece of land where this Cross was put up. The replacement Cross is still there today. But someone owns that very piece of land now. The Cross is standing near the man-made precipice caused by hill-cutting activities.

It is said that the inhabitants of Penampang requested Fr. Duxneuner to erect the cross because the area was to be acquired for a plantation. Not many among the present generation of Kadazans at Penampang may know this. But as Christians, they should be motivated to ensure that the Cross continues to stand tall on top of Tivung Hill.

Penampang Police Station cum Japanese Administration Building at Penampang
This is the dilapidated building to the left of the road leading to St. Michael's School, Penampang. It is near the Penampang Public Works Office.

It was built as the Penampang Police Station during the time of the Chartered Company rule. The Japanese turned it into its administration building during their occupation of North Borneo.

After the Japanese surrender, this same building was again used a police station. The building was to be demolished a few years ago. A group of local Kadazans protested whereby the authorities stopped. It is a matter of time before it collapses and be gone forever.

Datuk Peter Mojuntin Square, Donggongon
A statue of the Late Peter Mojuntin was put up at Donggongon as a tribute to him and in recognition of his contribution to Sabah and its people particularly the people of Penampang.

This statue was formerly put up within the compound of the Donggongon waste treatment plant. The writer wrote to the then Penampang District Officer about relocating the statue. The statue is now found in front of the Megalong Mall, Donggongon. This place is very much better that the former site.

The above-mentioned places could be made tourists attractions. However, more could be done to make Penampang a beautiful and attractive place that can pull visitors, both locals and foreigners.

So, what's my vision of the Penampang of the Future?

Firstly, I would expect that with the completion of the Pan-Borneo Highway, traffic along this highway will increase. And with it, there will be more people stopping by at Penampang particularly at Donggongon and at other places that will be opened up in future. I would expect rapid development of the land that hugs the highway all the way from Donggongon to Lokawi.

New housing estates will rise up. Shop lots will come up at certain places along the highway. The problem is that if those in authority do not make proper planning and impose conditions, there will be haphazard development making the place unsightly, even ugly. Right decisions by the authorities concerned will go a long way to ensure that there is orderly development. If not, Penampang will experience flooding as it did before. Lack of creativity in developing Penampang will deter visitors to the detriment of business in the district.

Penampang is still a vast district. It extends to the mountain ridges that form part of the Crocker Range. Tambunan is on the other side of this mountain ridge. Penampang has a common boundary with Papar District to the south and Kota Kinabalu city to the north. The newly-established district of Putatan lies to the west. Putatan was carved out of Penampang.

I look forward to a Penampang that has the following:
  1. A University
  2. Native Products Centre
  3. Cultural Village
  4. City Park
  5. Pineapple Factory/ies
  6. District Hospital
  7. Donggongon as Tourists Attraction
  8. Town Centre
  9. Flood-Free Penampang
  10. Resumption of Rice Farming
Penampang University
The population of Penampang is more than 130,000. A university to cater for the higher education needs of the people here as well as other Sabahans will help to uplift the standing of Penampang as a place of importance. There are those who may argue that University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is not far away. But they need to realise that thousands of students sit for their SPM / STPM examinations each year. The places at UMS are not enough to cater for the increasing needs for university places.

The number of secondary schools in and around Penampang is about ten and will increase in future. The establishment of Penampang University will be the right decision to take.

Native Products Centre
This is a place where natives can display their products seven days a week. This will improve the standard of life of these people.

This can be built within Penampang Cultural Village.

Penampang Cultural Village
This is Penampang in miniature. Every village can display its uniqueness. This is the place where tourists can witness and experience the culture of Penampang. These groups can charge visitors reasonable fees.

Penampang Garden and Park
This is where families can organise outings during weekends. This is where people can jog. This is the place people can study nature and the different types of local trees, plants and herbs.

Pineapple Factories
Babagon is well-known for its sweet succulent pineapples. A factory or factories will be required once people want to produce pineapples on a commercial basis. There must come a time, hopefully soon, when this becomes a reality.

District Hospital
The writer had proposed the construction of a Penampang District Hospital during the Berjaya government. A polyclinic was built. It is good for the people of Penampang especially those who have no transport of their own.

It is understood that there is already land set aside for the construction of a polyclinic. It is suggested that this be upgraded to a full-fledged hospital. This will ease the congestion at QE1 as well as provide job openings for specialists, medical officers, nurses and so on.

Tip-Top Donggongon
Donggongon is the main town in Penampang. With all the developments around Penampang, Donggongon must not be neglected.

It has been said that Donggongon is giving a good fight to Kota Kinabalu in so far as food outlets are concerned.

But there are a few things that Donggongon needs before it can become a star that lights up Kota Kinabalu. Firstly, all the drains must be cleaned up. Every restaurants must be made to pay since it is due to their irresponsible acts or negligence that caused clogging of the drains in the first place. In future, any eatery found throwing rubbish into the drain will be given notice to clear up the drain or face closure. Smells must be eliminated. Sewage should not be allowed to seep out of the drains.

Every shop building must be repaired and repainted. Trees growing on the roof tops or side walls need to be uprooted and destroyed.

Hawkers need to be relocated to prevent Donggongon from becoming unsightly and ugly. The arrangement can be such that it does not deter tourists from coming to Donggongon, year in year out.

Town Centre
The town centre can include the area where the statue of the Late Peter Mojuntin is and extends to the town clock. It may be necessary to relocate hawkers and motorcycle parking bays located within the specified area. The entire area will need a better and more creative beautification arrangement and other improvements to make the place truly the centre of Donggongon.

Flood-Free Penampang
It is impossible to make Penampang totally flood-free. But hopefully with the plan to improve the drainage and the drainage system adopted by the contractor(s) of the Pan-Borneo highway, incidence of flooding will be reduced to a minimum.

The authority concerned may have to bring contractors to book when they fail to follow an environmental-friendly way of hill-cutting. The failure to cut hills in accordance with the natural contours causes flooding. Contractors must be made to pay for failure to adhere to the rules to be imposed.

Resumption of Rice Farming
Penampang was a rice farming community. The question is whether the former padi lands could be rehabilitated and planted with rice. The relevant government authorities may be able to help. If not, there must be other ways of making productive use of these lands.

This is my vision of a future Penampang. There may be other people who have better ideas how to make Penampang a great place that is a beehive of activities and a place of attraction to both locals and outsiders.

A short write up about Penampang in Kadazan

Monday, June 27, 2016

Penampang: Changing Landscape

The landscape around Penampang has changed. The changes will accelerate once the Pan-Borneo Highway is completed. The change can also come about due to a change in life styles of the people here.

Penampang has lost its rice fields. Rice farms extended from Penampang itself to as far away as Tombovo and Tua'ui (Terawi), Putatan. The small pocket of rice fields at Kodundungan in the vicinity of Donggongon Town may disappear sooner or later. The vast ride farms were once the pride of Penampang. Now, it is not very clear what product Penampang can produce that can benefit the people here, particularly Kadazans.

Most of the former rice fields are lying idle. Land situated along the highway had been purchased by the rich either for residential or commercial purpose.

Another new feature around Penampang are the ugly hills. In the past, these hills enhanced the beauty of the countryside. There are a lot of hill cutting here for years where the subsoil is sold to building contractors. The construction of the dual-carriageway is making the state of things worse. These contractors do not care one little bit about preserving the beauty of Penampang. After all, they are mainly concerned about making a lot of money. 

Penampang that cannot be recognised
If a foreigner who had visited Penampang some fifty years ago happens to come here today, he will not recognise this place. He may think that he has come to another place unless he sees the signage. What are the physical features that can connect the present to the past? Could these be preserved?

Even a local who had not visited Penampang for a long time may be bewildered at the pace of development at Penampang. He will not be able to find the shops that he frequented. He may be amazed while wondering what all these developments will do to Penampang and its people.

Donggongon is undergoing rapid change. It has expanded which is a good thing. But Donggongon has become unsightly. There are canopies and stalls almost everywhere without anyone, including the authority, giving a thought to aesthetic consideration.

Even the area where the statue of the Late Peter Mojuntin had been relocated is being encroached upon by hawkers. Is monetary consideration the rule of the day? If the "Mojuntin Square" is improved, it can be a tourist attraction, helping to spin money for Donggongon businesses.

Penampang Products
At this point in time, the only  product that the natives of Penampang can boast about are agricultural produce particularly the famed Babagon pineapples and vegetables from Togudon at Gunung Mas and Moyog, an area located at the foothills where the road to Tambunan starts to steepen. Vegetables are also grown at Kg. Potuki and Kg. Maang but these are not by locals. (Note: Potuki has ceased to be within the Penampang District.)

What else? I cannot think of any. I am lost!

Check this out - Penampang in the Future

Saturday, June 25, 2016


Penampang is a fertile plain washed by the Putatan River. It was a region opened by the descendants of the third son and child of Maragang, Tomui.(1) Sometimes, Maragang is stated as 'Kimaragang' where the 'ki' stands for 'aki' referring to a male ancestor.

Some of the earliest writings on North Borneo often refers to a part of this area as Putatan. Putatan hugs the coast. It was populated by the Kadazan people whom the British colonialists named 'Dusun' because that was what the Bruneis told them when they first came. Now the place is densely populated by several races most of whom are Muslims.

The Putatan River meanders upstream right up to the mountainous hinterland flowing as the Moyog River. It is at the upper part of the river that the Babagon Dam was constructed to provide water to most of the inhabitants of the west coast of Sabah, formerly North Borneo.

The region was named North Borneo because it is at the northenmost region of the island of Borneo, the third largest island in the world. The Moyog River is called the Putatan only when it nears Putatan.

The Penampang District borders Tambunan District to the east, Papar District to the South and the city of Kota Kinabalu to the west. The district covers the state constituencies of Moyog and Kepayan. These two constituencies make up the Parliamentary seat of Penampang. The newly-established District of Putatan had been carved out of Penampang District more than a year ago.

The main town of Penampang is Donggongon with Kepayan Ridge as a smaller one. There was a row of two blocks of shops at Kasigui. The shop owners were made to shift to Donggongon after the shops were razed to the ground several years ago. There is nothing to indicate there were shops at Kasigui. What remain are the food stalls. The oldest of this is still run by the grandchildren of a China man the people of Penampang called "Sapi" because he used beef for his noodle soup.

Decades ago, large tracts of land at Penampang were planted with wet rice. Now, only the Kodundungan area is planted with rice. Maybe, it is a matter of time before these are gone, too. You can still find buffaloes at Penampang but these have somehow become wild and had not been broken to pull ploughs and logs and to carry heavy things on their backs. Buffaloes are not needed since these things are done mechanically now. This is what is happening at Kodundungan. It is said that only about three hundred acres of rice fields remain.

Where rice fields were found in the past, you can only find concrete buildings now. The highway from Jesselton (now Kota Kinabalu) passes through Penampang to Papar. More lands will be lost to development. Penampang is in danger of losing its characteristics. The loss of lands to business people may accelerate with the coming completion of the Pan-Borneo Highway.

It is hoped that with the increased traffic due to the Pan-Borneo Highway that joins Sabah with Sarawak, business opportunities will increase for the Kadazan people. What is definite for now is that rich Chinese will offer to buy Kadazan lands along the highway at a price Kadazan landowners may not be able to reject.

Whither Kadazans?

Read more about Penampang HERE

(1)  According to P.S. Shim, Tomui was the ancestor of a number of Kadazandusun tribes. He did not mention whether or not Tomui migrated to the west of Sabah.

Updated on November 8, 2017